Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Reading groups met this morning to have a discussion about their book.

Students come prepared with flagged thoughts in their books and the top of their Journal Entry form filled out.

Once the discussion comes to a close students individually complete the rest of their Journal Entry form and as a group complete the Group Meeting form.  This is a chance for students to reflect on their discussion.

In Writer's Workshop, students learned how adding powerful similes into their narrative writing can make a big impact.  I opened the lesson by reading:

Reading this book also opened up a discussion about idioms and cliches!  When I was reading my "choice book" at home the other night I came across so many wonderful similes.  I shared them with the class:

Students know that in fourth grade their teachers expect more detailed similes instead of "blue as the sky" or "bright as the sun."  They added a simile into the mentor text Baby's Ears.  After we discussed possible similes that the author could have added into her story, students went to a spot in the room to include powerful similes into their narratives.

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