Monday, October 3, 2011

LDG Behaviors & Narrative Ideas

Happy Monday!  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Today in Reader's Workshop we continued to prepare for Literature Discussion Groups (LDG).  I finished reading Mr. Peabody's Apples and students were asked to flag their thinking two times.  They had to include the symbol for how they were thinking from their Tracking Your Reading Sheet in their S.T.A.R. binder.  Tomorrow I will be modeling how to write an excellent reading response.  

Next students were put into four groups in order to act out inappropriate LDG behavior.  Each group received a sheet with a behavior to act out: Rather Rude, Me Firsts, I'm Right, and Space Cadet.  Groups had a lot of fun and shared many laughs practicing for their "performance."  After about ten minutes the class gathered on the carpet to observe each groups inappropriate behavior.  After observing we discussed what didn't go well.  Tomorrow we will talk more about how to have an effective discussion about books.  I attempted to record some performances before my camera ran out of space.  Hopefully the sound quality isn't too poor. 

In Writer's Workshop each student had to choose the narrative story idea they want to take through the writing process.  Last week, students had been collecting possible small moments that happened in their life that they wanted to write about.  I shared my small moment that I will be writing about:

Some children found it helpful to partner up with a buddy to share some of their possible story ideas.  This was a way for them to get feedback on which story to write about. 

Next they completed Sketch Frames of the beginning, middle, and end of their story.  This was a way for students to gather more details about their story before they begin drafting. 

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