Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Setting Writing Goals & Vocab. Flashcards

 In Language Arts we have been conferencing with students on their first Thoughtful Reading Response (Fourth Grade Rats) so that they feel comfortable writing their own Thoughtful Reading Response on their choice book.  Each student has a slip of green paper in their Homework Folder of when their TRR is due.  

During the conference we are also setting 1-2 writing goals.  Each child will keep the Writing Goals sheet in their Writing Resources section in their S.T.A.R. Binder (we are still in the process of meeting with students).  Goals are developed through common mistakes we see students make in their writing.  Some examples of the writing goals we have set for students are: capitalizing proper nouns, not capitalizing common nouns, and not writing run-on sentences.  

Students will receive a check mark each time their goal is met in any written assignment.  If 3 checkmarks are received their goal has been met!

During Word Study students either:

Practiced their 5 Words to Learn words by completing a Write, Build, Decorate sheet,

Met with Ms. Higgins to discuss the sort, 

Or exchanged and completed word searches.

In Writer's Workshop students are beginning to revise their rough drafts by including dialogue.  I modeled how to add dialogue into my own narrative. 

 Soon in Science students will be taking a science vocabulary quiz.  To help prepare them for the quiz we have been creating flashcards.  After I show one of their science vocabulary words on the board we have a discussion about the definition.  Afterwards I show the definition and  students record it on their notecard.  In order to make sure they are copying each definition correctly, students hold their flashcard up and I walk around the room checking them over.  Flashcards are kept in an envelope in the back of science notebooks.  Once the quiz date is announced students will be bringing home their science notebooks each night to study.

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