Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27

During Writer's Workshop we are still coming up with ideas for our narrative stories.  Everyone worked on completing the Times We Will Never Forget chart to jot down memories or rituals that are important to them.  

In Reader's Workshop, students are preparing to write reading letters and begin literature circles, therefore they need to practice recording their thoughts as they read a book or learn to "talk back" to books.  I opened the lesson by reading the first couple pages of Mr. Peabody's Apples by Madonna.  Based on the cover alone, students were already beginning to ask questions by wondering what the book would be about.  During independent reading time, students used the Talking Back to Books prompts to record their thoughts on post-it notes.  Then they stuck the post-it notes to the My Ideas About sheet.  Afterwards the sheets are checked by a teacher for spelling words to add to Words to Learn and to make sure the post-it notes have meaningful thoughts written on them.

During Word Study, everyone received their word study words and created their five study buddy word list.  One list of words is kept in the Word Study section of the S.T.A.R. binder and the other list is kept in school.  

Five Study Buddy words are created based on student's Words to Learn list.

The Word Study list that is kept in school is cut apart and kept in a baggie to complete in class activities.  One copy of the Study Buddy list is kept in the S.T.A.R. binder and another copy is kept in class for students to complete in class activities.

On Friday, students will have a quiz on New Jersey's four regions.  Today they worked with a partner to learn more about the four regions. Using the textbook and an additional sheet to find information partners completed an outline.  The outline and the blue sheet are what students should be reviewing to study for the quiz.

Filling up buckets at the end of the day!

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