Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 21

During Reader's Workshop we discussed what it feels like to read a challenging book.  Students taped into their reading notebooks some of the characteristics of a challenging book.  Then I passed out two paragraphs from Social Functions of Science.  It was hysterical to see them trying to read the passage that I copied from a sample SAT reading section.  Students then wrote how they felt reading the passage and why it was challenging.  Most children wrote that they had no idea what they read, could not pay attention as they were reading because they had no background knowledge on the subject, and spent too much time skipping over difficult words.

Some children are still finishing up Who's that Baby?  I had no idea when I started this activity just how long it would take! ;)

During Social Studies students worked with a partner to read the selected pages in chapter one and completed an outline of notes. 


  1. what's up guys have a good day and to Om ... hello my friend :D XD

