Sunday, September 25, 2011

Clip Chart

I've decided to switch up the old behavior system I used in my classroom of flipping cards to the clip chart you see below.

Here's how it works:

Each student has a clothespin with their class number on it.  Every morning each student begins the day on purple: Ready to Learn.  During the course of the day, the clothespins move up and down the chart based upon the behavioral choices each student makes.  Each student begins the day in a neutral spot and then attempts to work their way up the chart. Good behavior results in moving the clothespin  up one level, and inappropriate behavior results in moving the clothespin down one level.  Any student who has been asked to move his clothespin down a level or two has the opportunity to improve his behavior and will be able to move their clothespin up before the end of the day. 

Green is at the top of the chart.  A student can earn a Backstage Pass for reaching this level.

Blue is the Think About stage.  This would be considered a warning.

Red would typically result in a loss of ten minutes of recess and/or completing a form to be sent home for a signature.

Orange is at the very bottom of the clip chart.  If a child's clip moves to the very bottom of the chart the consequence could be a phone call home, setting up a conference, or going to see the Principal.  

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