Sunday, May 13, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Party & Poetry Assembly

I would like to say, how thankful and lucky I am to have such wonderful children I get to teach and spend time with each day.  I also am so grateful to our homeroom moms and supportive families.  Friday was not only a great day to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, but also a great way to end a long week of testing.  

Our party kicked off with the delivery of these gorgeous flowers.  

And delicious pizza!

Students eagerly awaited pizza and fruit.  I CANNOT believe no one spilled the beans to me.  We all remember Project H??

Then before having dessert students were excited to share what they worked on for me.  I was feeling so overcome with emotion before they even started reading just looking at each student smiling and holding their piece of paper, waiting for their turn to read aloud. 

Melissa couldn't stop laughing, so in order to get through her letter she had to turn and not look at anyone. Haha!

Finally dessert time!!!

At the What Am I? Poetry Contest assembly Allison won honorable mention for her poem.

When they were reading aloud the poem "Darkness" as the first place poem, Leah knew right away it was hers.  So I was able to snap a photo of her before receiving her award.  Great job to all of the students on writing a poem!!

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