Tuesday, May 8, 2012

One Day Down!

Last Friday was the day before the big testing week.  Students were given a baggie of candy with a list of 7 Great Ways to Prepare for the Test!

Desks were separated and students worked on some pages in their NJASK math books.

Any instructional posters or charts were removed from the walls or covered up.

And I read aloud Testing Miss Malarky.

It is an adorable book that exaggerates the stress of state testing.

On this page the boy comments about how is teacher is acting differently and biting her nails a lot.

After each bedtime story his mom gives him a worksheet to complete.

The art teacher is teaching students to fill in the bubbles neatly and the gym teacher is teaching students yoga.  He says "Your mind and body are one with THE TEST." Haha

Finally after the testing the students celebrate.

But nobody is celebrating more than the teachers!!!

Yesterday, after the first day of testing students were treated with brownies!

One day down...four more to go!!!

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