Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Churchville Nature Center Comes to Us!

Learning how to start a fire.




Everyone LOVED David's bunny!


Listening to a story through music.

Om's bird dance...it was so catchy, the class is still doing the "Om Dance!"

Field Day & Class Party

Getting PUMPED to go outside for Field Day!

Shake it! Shake it! 

No hands!

How tall can you go?

Shootin' Hoops!

Fruit Salad!

Ice Cream Sundaes!!

Olivia FINALLY eats dessert!

No matter how hard Jennie tried...Melissa wouldn't put the book down!

When there's music...there's a conga line?

Framed picture of the class with all of their signatures!!!

Signing backpacks!

Lots of books to choose from at our Book Swap!