Monday, April 23, 2012

What We've Been Up To Part II

 In Reader's Workshop, students have been learning about the comprehension strategy Determining Importance.  One way to find and recall the important information from a nonfiction text is to complete a Facts/Questions/Responses chart.  

To teach students how to complete this chart, we completed one as a class after reading the first article in the special Time for Kids Earth Day issue. 

Then, students read the following article, highlighted facts, and completed a FQR chart independently in their reader's notebook.

Additionally in Reader's Workshop, students learned that while reading historical fiction, good readers can infer important information about a historical time period while reading.  Before reading aloud Cheyenne Again by Eve Bunting, I provided the class with background information about Indian Boarding Schools in the late 1800s.  While I read they completed a chart of facts (inferred information) and inner voice (questions, feelings, reactions). 

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